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Axicon In-Line Barcode Verifier

Product Summary

Specifically designed for use with thermal printers, the Axicon In-line Verification System utilises CCD imaging technology to provide full ISO grade verification. Identifying common problems such as damaged or dirty printheads, media movement, ribbon creasing light margin, infringements, data content & format errors. A report on the quality of every barcode is displayed instantly on-screen alerting the operator to any deterioration in quality.

A range of reporting tools come as standard including the ability to save the scan file of each and every barcode, or just those that fail; a spread sheet of the results and a summary of every print-run. Easy to use tools providing full auditable traceability - an integral part of any ISO9000 Quality Management system.


Axicon 6515 HS as per Axicon 6500 Series but with USB2 connectivity. Printer interaction: Capable of pausing certain Zebra, Sato and TEC printer models with optional pause interface. Mounting: Variety of mounting options available. Scan rate: 150 scans/second. Analysis rate: 100 per seconds or more dependant on PC

The verification system is delivered complete with

the read head (hardware), a CD with the Axicon verifier software (in several languages), a data cable, a quick start guide, a calibration card, compliance certificates, all in a protective carry case.

System Requirements

PC with USB2 interface running Windows 2000, XP, Vista & Windows 7

Competitive advantages of using a CCD based Barcode Verifier

Axicon In-Line Barcode Verifier.pdf

Axicon In-Line Tech Sheet PDF